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Robert Morgan

Robert Morgan

Research Fellow

Robert graduated from Manchester University in 2004 with a first class degree in Chemistry. He graduated from UCL Medical School in 2010. During medical school he worked for 4D Biomedical, Cambridge, as a member of the team developing the Institute of Cardiovascular at UCL.

Robert began working for the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation in 2010 as an Academic Foundation Trainee in the Oxford Deanery. Over the last year he has worked as a Surgical Registrar in Auckland, New Zealand.

From August 2013 Robert begins Core Medical Training in the London Deanery.


O'Callaghan JM, Knight SR, Morgan RD, Morris PJ. A National Registry Analysis of Kidney Allografts Preserved With Marshall's Solution in the United Kingdom. Transplantation. 2016 Nov;100(11):2447-2452. [PMID:26760566]

O'Callaghan J, Knight S, Morgan R, Morris P. A national registry analysis of kidney allograft presentation with Marshall's Solution in the United Kingdom. (Oral at the British Transplantation Society, Glasgow 2014)

O'Callaghan J, Knight S, Morgan R, Morris P. A national registry analysis of kidney allograft preservation with Marshall's Solution in the United Kingdom (Poster presentation at the World Transplant Congress, San Francisco, 2014)

O'Callaghan JM, Morgan RD, Knight SR and Morris PJ. The Effect of Preservation Solutions for Storage of Liver Allografts on Transplant Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Annals of Surgery. 2014 Jul; 260(1):46-55 [PMID:24374537]

O'Callaghan JM, Morgan RD, Knight SR, Morris PJ. Systematic review and meta-analysis of hypothermic machine perfusion versus static cold storage for kidney allografts on transplant outcomes. British Journal of Surgery. 2013 Jul; 100(8):991-1001. [PMID:23754643]

O'Callaghan J, Morgan R, Knight S, Morris P. Liver allograft preservation fluids: A Systematic review and Meta-Analysis. (Poster presentation at the European Society for Organ Transplantation, Vienna 2013)

O'Callaghan J, Morgan R, Knight S, Morris P. Liver allograft preservation fluids: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Transplant International. 2013; 26(Supp s2):332

O'Callaghan J, Morgan R, Knight S, Morris P.Preservation solutions for static cold storage of liver allografts: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 16th Annual Congress of the British Transplantation Society, Bournemouth, 2013.

O'Callaghan J, Morgan R, Knight S, Morris P. Systematic reviews of alemtuzumab in renal transplantation. Transplant Immunology. March 2013; 28 (2): 71. [PMID:23352935]

O’Callaghan J, Morgan R, Knight S, Morris P. Hypothermic machine preservation in comparison with static cold storage for kidney allografts. The Transplantation Society Congress, Berlin 2012

Morgan RD*, O’Callaghan JM, Knight SR, Morris PJ. Alemtuzumab induction therapy in kidney transplantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 24th International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Berlin, Germany. * presenting author

Morgan RD, O'Callaghan JM, Knight SR, Morris PJ. Alemtuzumab induction therapy in kidney transplantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Transplantation 2012; 93(12): 1179-1188 [PMID:22660659]

O'Callaghan JM, Knight SR, Morgan RD, Morris PJ. Preservation solutions for static cold storage of kidney allografts: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Transplantation 2012; 12(4): 896-906. [PMID:22221739]

Morgan R, O'Callaghan J, Wagener S, Grant H, Lakhoo K. Surgical correction of trachea-oesophageal fistula and oesophageal atresia in VACTERL association: a retrospective case-control study. Paediatric Surgery International. Oct 2012; 28(10):967-970. [PMID:22991204]

Morgan R, O'Callaghan J, Knight S, Morris P. Alemtuzumab induction therapy in kidney transplantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Transplantation. 2012; 94(10S):972

O'Callaghan J, Morgan R, Knight S, Morris P. Hypothermic machine preservation in comparison with static cold storage for kidney allografts: A Systematic review and Meta-Analysis. Transplantation. 2012; 94(10S):277

O’Callaghan J, Knight S, Morgan R, Morris P. Preservation solutions for static cold storage of kidney allografts. Oral- European Society of Organ Transplantation, Glasgow 2011

Zachary I, Morgan RD. Therapeutic angiogenesis for cardiovascular disease: biological context, challenges, prospects. Heart 2011; 97(3) 181-9 [PMID:20884790]

Morgan RD, Wallace S, Zein AA, D'Costa H. Fecally Loaded Inguinoscrotal Hernia Masquerading as Testicular Mass. Urology. 2011 (in press) [PMID:21419477]

Morgan RD, Chou SH, Stelfox HT. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a patient following binge liquorice ingestion. Journal of Neurology. 2011 Sep;258(9):1720-2 [PMID:21431895]

O'Callaghan J, Morgan R, Knight S, Morris P. Preservation solutions for static cold storage of kidney allografts: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Transplant International. 2011; 24(s2):204

Morgan RD, Kreckler S, Lintott P. Painless Horner's syndrome through occupational exposure. American Journal of Medicine. 2011 Jun;124(6):e5-6. [PMID:21497785]

Morgan RD, Hannon E, Lakhoo K. Renal abscess in Papillion-Lefèvre syndrome. Pediatric Surgury International. 2011 (in press) [PMID:21594717]

Harrison NA, Morgan R, Critchley HD. From facial mimicry to emotional empathy: a role for norepinephrine? Social Neuroscience. 2010;5(4):393-400 [PMID:20486012]

Sen-Chowdhry S, Morgan RD, Chambers JC, McKenna WJ. Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Annual Review of Medicine 2010; 61:233-53 [PMID:20059337]