Coping-Infused Dialogue through Patient-Preferred Live Music: A Medical Music Therapy Protocol and Randomized Pilot Study for Hospitalized Organ Transplant Patients.
Hogan TJ, and Silverman MJ.J Music Ther 2015 [record in progress].
To examine the efficacy of a coping-infused dialogue through patient-preferred live music (CIDPPLM) intervention on mood and pain in hospitalized transplant patients.
Patients were randomised to either control (usual care), or experimental (CID-PPLM) where they received a single 30-minute session that integrated stressor identification and knowledge of coping skills (CID) with patient preferred live music (PPLM)
25 inpatients aged ≥18 years on a solid organ transplant unit for a transplant procedure, transplant-related infection, or a transplant rejection.
Measured outcomes were pretest and posttest measures of positive affect, negative affect and pain.
End of session
CET Conclusions
This study investigates the role of a music therapy and dialogue intervention on affect and pain in hospitalised organ transplant recipients. The intervention group received a 30-minute session of music therapy interspersed with dialogue about coping strategies. Immediately post-intervention, the treatment group demonstrated improved pain scores and affect. There are some unanswered questions. The study is small (25 participants) and the uptake rate was only 33% in those approached. It is therefore not clear whether the intervention would have such an effect in less interested patients. It is also not clear which components of the intervention resulted in the changes seen – it is possible that simple dialogue alone (without music) would have the same effect. Finally, the study only investigated the effects of treatment immediately after the session, and it is unclear whether there is any lasting benefit.
Data analysis
Strict intention-to-treat analysis
Trial registration