To keep the transplantation community informed about recently published level 1 evidence in organ transplantation ESOT and the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation have developed the Transplant Trial Watch.
The Transplant Trial Watch is a monthly overview of 10 new randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews. It includes a brief description of each study, an assessment of the reporting of some methodological quality features and the main conclusions of the report written by the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation (CET). RCTs and systematic reviews are selected by the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation on the basis of quality or interest. Electronic publications ahead of print are listed as [record in progress].
The first issue of the Transplant Trial Watch was published in September 2009. It is now made available to thousands of transplant professionals worldwide each month.
Click on each trial for more detail of findings and quality.
September 2017
Kidney transplantation
Measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) used in adult patients with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review.
Aiyegbusi OL, Kyte D, et al. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(6): e0179733.
Early Conversion From Calcineurin Inhibitor- to Everolimus-Based Therapy Following Kidney Transplantation: Results of the Randomized ELEVATE Trial.
de Fijter JW, Holdaas H, et al. American Journal of Transplantation 2017; 17(7): 1853-1867.
Effects of paricalcitol on biomarkers of inflammation and fibrosis in kidney transplant recipients: results of a randomized controlled trial.
Oblak M, Mlinsek G, et al. Clinical Nephrology 2017 Supplement 1; 88(13): 119-125.
Deep neuromuscular blockade improves surgical conditions during low-pressure pneumoperitoneum laparoscopic donor nephrectomy.
Ozdemir-van Brunschot DMD, Braat AE, et al. Surgical Endoscopy 2017; 22: 22.
Outcome Improvement for Hypothermic Machine Perfusion Versus Cold Storage for Kidneys From Cardiac Death Donors.
Zhong Z, Lan J, et al. Artificial Organs 2017; 41(7): 647-653.
Liver transplantation
A New Formula for Estimation of Standard Liver Volume Using Computed Tomography Measured Body Thickness.
Ma KW, Chok KSH, et al. Liver Transplantation 2017; 26: 26.
Liver Preservation by Aortic Perfusion Alone Compared With Preservation by Aortic Perfusion and Additional Arterial Ex Situ Back-Table Perfusion With Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate Solution: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Study.
Otto G, Heise M, et al. Transplantation Direct 2017; 3(7): e183.
Lung transplantation
Intra-operative protective mechanical ventilation in lung transplantation: a randomised, controlled trial.
Verbeek GL, Myles PS, et al. Anaesthesia 2017; 72(8): 993-1004.
Various organs
Remote ischemic preconditioning of transplant recipients to reduce graft ischemia and reperfusion injuries: A systematic review.
Farooqui W, Pommergaard HC, et al. Transplantation Reviews 2017; 15: 15.
If you needed an organ transplant would you have one? The effect of reciprocity priming and mode of delivery on organ donor registration intentions and behaviour.
O'Carroll RE, Haddow L, et al. British Journal of Health Psychology 2017; 22(3): 577-588.