Clinical Trials.
The CET is been involved in the design, protocol development and running of a number of high-profile transplant trials.
Through our partnership with ESOT, we also offer free help and advice to members in the design of their upcoming trials.
Perfused Liver Utilisation Study (PLUS)
Investigating the role of Normothermic Machine Preservation on utilisation of poorly-utilised livers.
Read moreNormothermic Kidney Preservation Phase 1 (NKP1)
First-in-man study of a novel kidney perfusion device.
Read moreDelivery of Ex-Situ defatting agents during normothermic liver perfusion for transplantation (DeFAT)
Treating steatotic livers during normothermic machine preservation.
Read moreConsortium for Organ Preervation in Europe (COPE)
Three international randomised controlled trials in organ preservation.
Read moreCET-ESOT collaboration

The Centre for Evidence in Transplantation and the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) have initiated a collaboration and have agreed that the CET will become the Knowledge Centre for ESOT with a special emphasis on helping with the design and reporting of randomised controlled trials in Europe.
As well as the assistance with literature search and trial design outlined below, the collaboration has also led to the Academia course and the monthly Transplant Trial Watch.
The aim of the collaboration is several fold but one major project is to improve the methodological quality of European transplantation trials by advising investigators in the early stages of trial design and planning. An analysis of all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in organ transplantation between 2004 and 2006 has shown that only around one third of trials were of good methodological quality. This detracts from the value of the evidence provided by these poor RCTs.
How can we help you?
We can help in the design and reporting of randomised controlled trials. If funding were being sought for non-industry supported trials the CET can provide help in this area and could be one of the trial investigators. Furthermore the CET can assure that the criteria that most major journals demand are met. This is of course much easier if the planning of the trial protocol has involved the CET. We can provide assistance is several ways:
- Provide help with trial design and methodology
- Provide help with the reporting of trials
- Provide assistance in searching the literature
- Provide a second opinion for researchers who have been approached to participate in a trial but they are unsure if a trial is warranted based on the existing literature
Who is it for?
This free service is available to ESOT members or any residents of Europe.
Submit a trial protocol for review by the CET
To receive help with the design of a randomized controlled trial, contact us.
Please refer to the SPIRIT statement for designing a trial protocol before submitting your protocol. A checklist is available which should be submitted with your protocol. Once the protocol is approved it will receive ESOT-CET accreditation and will be added to the ESOT-CET trial registry that is being developed.